Welcome To XRF012

Hosted By The PAPA System

Welcome To X-Reflector 12... Module A is connected to the PAPA Analog System

Linked Gateways/Reflectors
Module A Module B Module C Module D Module E

Connected Clients
Callsign on module Type
AB4WS listening Hotspot
AC2GS listening Hotspot
KB6THO listening Hotspot
KJ6FCH listening Hotspot
N6MY listening Hotspot
N9PMR D listening Hotspot
NH6SS D listening Hotspot
NZ6D H listening Hotspot
WT6F D listening Hotspot
XE2JEG listening Hotspot

Last Heard
Callsign Last TX on Source From Date-Time PST
WB6YES WB6YES XRF012 A WB6YES B 240726-20:37:45
W6ALB W6ALB XRF012 A W6ALB 240725-21:06:42
KJ0SHL KJ0SHL XRF012 A KI6JKA B 240725-19:58:54
K6OLY K6OLY XRF012 A KM6LVQ 240724-20:45:47

Status as of Fri Jul 26 20:38:04 2024 PST
Dashboard Version 1.15B
Server Uptime: 296 days, 0 hours and 16 minutes

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